Saturday, March 8, 2008

Misconceptions, Mosquitoes, and Foot Doctors:

Perhaps it was stupid to think that after three months in my site everybody would know my name. I thought that most people had gotten it straight but then my friend Val came to visit and as we walked around town I got a series of “¡Hola, Carol!” “¡Buenos días, Kari!” and “¿Como estás Katy?” The only other person in town named Karen even called me Carol.

Another man in my site asked me how old I was and was shocked when I revealed that I was only twenty-three. Apparently he thought I was forty years old. Seriously, he thought I was forty. That would explain why many of the people in my site ask me where my kids and husband are. It does not explain why several people have asked me if Susan, the neighboring volunteer who also happens to be 23 years old, was my mother. If they think I’m forty that would put Susan at least at 55, assuming she had me at the age of 15.

Those who don’t think Susan is my mother are convinced that she is my sister. Val of course is yet another sister. Maybe if enough people come to visit they’ll start to realize that I am not related to all of the other Peace Corps volunteers. Given the average size of Peruvian families, that could take quite a few visitors.

At least one man in my site also thinks that I am an archeologist. Every time he sees me he stops to give me a pep talk that includes at least 15 minutes of uninterruptible encouragement and thanks. The last time he saw me he decided to focus on how great it is that I’m an archeologist. Apparently the confusion with anthropologist and archeologist is worldwide. It would be interesting to know what it is exactly he thinks I’m doing here with my technical digging skills.


There’s not much to say on this subject except that there are mosquitoes everywhere. Mosquitoes are probably the most common topic of discussion, right up there with the weather. On that note, I’m getting pretty good at dragging out mosquito and weather conversations. At first I used them to fill in awkward silences but lately I find myself actually taking an interest in conversations that go something like this:
—“It’s making heat.”
—“Ah yeah.”
—“The sun itself makes the heat.”
—“Of course.”
—“Ahh, what a rich little air.”
—“Yes, what rich air.”
—“Tall mosquitoes, eh?”
(followed by horrified looks when he/she spots the multitude of bug bites on my legs)
—“Ah yeah, they sting me.”
—“Ah yeah. There sure are a lot of mosquitoes.”
—“It’s making heat.”
—“Yes, it’s making heat.”

At the point when my fellow community member spies the bites I’m sporting, the conversation often turns to possible remedies. Usually they tell me to put on some Vick’s Vapor Rub which they all call Viva Perú. I’ve been told that lemon juice and rubbing alcohol should be utilized as well. They also usually ask me where the bugs have been biting me. Where have they not been biting me?!?! I don’t understand how these people are avoiding them. We are surrounded by rice paddies so they’re basically breeding mosquitoes.

Foot Doctors:
I finally made it to an orthopedist to get my foot examined. Since almost no one runs here I think he had no experience with sports related injuries. After looking at the x-rays he took all of about 30 seconds to examine my feet. He felt both of them without asking me where it hurt and then told me there was nothing wrong. I tried probing him about arches, tendonitis, etc., to no avail as he was still convinced that there was absolutely nothing wrong. He prescribed me a pain cream and sent me on my way. I should have gotten the hint when I noted that his one room office was also the office for trauma and brain surgery. I just hope he’s not the neurosurgeon too.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

haha, hilarious doctor story. the doctors here are similar, i think. one of our friends had a tooth ache and went to the "peace corps approved" dentist. he told her she had a cavity and started drilling. she walked out of the office with a brand new filling, but later that week, it fell out.

and of course, i now have a toothache of my own. what to do?!