Monday, September 14, 2009

La Porcina

My mother was concerned, while the rest of my friends and my sister seemed to find it rather hilarious that I was recently stricken by the infamous pig flu. In fact, while the worst of the symptoms hit me about two weeks ago, I am, in fact, still recuperating. It actually wasn’t that horrible except that, as I was getting better, I got an ear infection which I let go on for a number of days before visiting the doctor.

The ensuing visit to the doctor’s office was rather disconcerting, as I had no idea what was going on. Not only did they fail to tell me what was going on but I also couldn’t really hear. First, I was seen in the emergency room where three people at the same time took my temperature, my pulse, my blood pressure, looked in my ears and listened to my lungs. From there, I was sent into a room for a nebulization treatment of some kind which was supposed to help my breathing but didn’t. That lasted an hour and then I had to wait three more hours to see, yes, a rhinoplasty surgeon. Apparently, the normal ear, nose and throat specialist wasn’t in. The man who saw me not only insisted on calling me his reina (queen) for the duration of the visit but he also tried to convince me that I needed nose surgery. He was certain that with just a little bit of work he could leave my nose bien planita (very straight). As Michael Jackson is really popular here, I opted out of the nose surgery. Finally, he looked in my ears and confirmed what I had expected all along. Indeed, I had an ear infection.


I have yet to mention that I accepted a one-year extension with the Peace Corps in Honduras. While I actually found out that I was offered the extension in June, roughly a week later the Honduran military decided to oust the President in a military coup. Thus, I remained fairly skeptical that the transfer would go over successfully. However, in light of the fairly stable political situation and the permanence of Peace Corps in Honduras, I am now fairly certain that, after one month of vacation in the States, I will be transferring to Honduras in January. According to the information that Peace Corps has sent me, I will be working with the Protected Areas Management program. I’m still not sure in what capacity I will be working, but I should be living in the buffer zone of a protected area, aiding the local population to implement sustainable natural resource management practices.

I am really very excited to be able to continue to live and work in another Latin American country for another year. At the same time, I feel that one more year will be very much sufficient. In particular, I am happy to be going to Honduras because it is supposedly very beautiful, predominately mountainous and has a long-standing and well-respected Peace Corps program.

1 comment:

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

One of the girls in the dorm I'm working in has H1N1. It's a party.

Congrats on the extension! It should be nice to be home for a bit and then doing something a bit different for awhile.