Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cell Phone Fiasco...

So I only managed to hold on to my cell phone for a week. Exactly one week. They gave them to us last week and I already lost it. Those of you that know me will not be surprised at all. I´m not even surprised. I think I almost expected it. Anyway, I think the woman sitting next to me on the bus took it. I called my number with another phone and a woman answered. She tried to tell me it wasn´t my phone...not sure how she expected me to believe that. All attempts to get it back were futile. She just said flat out, ¨No, I found it¨. It looks like I´ll be buying a new phone. Thus, I will be back in the capitol city in a few days and will be posting an actual blog of what I have been doing. And I´ll let you know my cell phone number so you can call me!

1 comment:

L. said...

I'm sorry! At least PC gave you phones...we had to buy ours. I hope everything is working out well!