Sunday, October 25, 2009

That would be mine.

I've broken/lost 5 pairs of sunglasses while in Peru; hence, with only a month left to go, I decided that it was not worthwhile to replace my current pair which have a cracked frame. Besides obviously being tacky, the lens also randomly pops out, leading to some rather awkward situations. Recently, my lens suddenly popped out just as an elderly man was climbing onto the moto-taxi next to me. My lens landed precisely where he was about to sit down which I realized at the last second. In an attempt to recover the lens my hand shot out and, of course, both the lens and my hand ended up under the man's butt. An alarmed expression which said, "Is that really her hand touching my butt?!" crossed his face before I could explain the situation. Luckily, the lens was unharmed and the man laughed. I popped the lens back into place and we were on our way.

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